Artistic Director of CFKF
Welcome to Classics for Kids Foundation!
We created Classics in 1997 in response to the decline of support for string programs around the country. I grew up in a small town in Montana, and was very fortunate to experience a very fine string program. I’ve seen firsthand both as a performer and educator what a difference a young person’s involvement in a string program can make in their lives.
It’s our view that one of the best ways to support string programs is through access to fine instruments. A beautiful new instrument can be the key to keeping a kid inspired and involved with their program, bringing with that experience a myriad of lifelong benefits: better self-discipline, communication skills, better academic performance, and immersion in the great experience of all kinds of music. It’s my view that involvement in a string program, with fine instruments that inspire and excite kids, can be the catalyst that can lead a young person to greater success in life.
Teachers benefit as well, with instruments that are easy to tune, manage and maintain–contributing to a better and more effective classroom environment. They also allow kids and families who can’t afford to buy or rent instruments the ability to participate in strings. Our matching grants make it possible for schools to obtain the fine instruments that will give decades of joy and service to generations of young musicians, their families and teachers.
I welcome you to browse our website to learn more about what we do; please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with questions about our matching instrument grant program. And thank you!