Board Member—Robin DiLauri, co-owner of Down Neck Productions and President of LongShore Entertainment is currently overseeing five novels along with an exciting series -The Narrows, a character driven crime drama/ family drama set in Newark, New Jersey. Robin has also carved out an amazing career highlighted as one of the Premiere performers in the NYC area having toured both nationally and internationally.
She has written, produced, and directed several productions including her latest show based on the lives and music of some of New Jersey’s musical legends. This respected Professional Artist has opened for Lady Gaga, Tony Bennett, Barry Manilow, and the legendary band Chicago. As a young adult, Robin appeared on Ed McMahon’s Star Search. Professionally, Robin’s most memorable tour was with the American Legion entertaining veterans across the country. Four of Robin’s uncles, her father, as well as her brother, have all served in the US NAVY. Additionally, Robin’s experience with fostering young talents, whether it be through guiding them to write and create their own theatrical pieces or bringing out their inner giants, is where Robin and her students shine, respectively.
She served as Executive Producer, for the Miss New Jersey Education Foundation, the official preliminary to Miss America, using her experience as a Certified New Jersey Teacher to help the youth navigate their futures.
Robin’s teaching experiences and creative ideas have helped CEOs and Board Directors bring awareness to causes and foundations. Throughout her life, Robin has been driven by her love for her father’s youngest brother, Louis who was born with Down Syndrome. Their relationship combined with the universal language of music has resulted in both Robin & Louis sharing the stage performing in front of thousands. She continues to work closely with the National Down Syndrome Society to bring her uncle’s message of love and acceptance to the masses. Louis has headlined in Central Park singing “New York, New York” to kick off NDSS’s annual Buddy Walk.
This proven leader is more than a Rockstar! She has dedicated her life to teaching both in a classroom setting and privately. Her belief has always been that there is so much to share. She is a proud mother of two boys and has been recognized as a passionate role model.
Robin prides herself on the honesty by which she writes. She has always considered the everyday hard-working people to be the true muses behind her honest lyrics. Her music is inspired by the people, particularly the women, who put their dreams aside, their stories, their struggles. These stories are celebrated in Robin’s musical approach and her undying quest to celebrate them in hopes that with each song, they can look into their own lives and feel less alone. Robin is currently the co-creator of a full-scale musical, Chasing Tornadoes, which is selling out to captivated audiences all over the country.