Congratulations to our 3rd quarter grant recipients:
Charleston, SC: Allegro Charter School: This is the second grant we’ve offered Allegro; this program serves students grades 6-12 with an immersive musical experience (students learn several different kinds of instruments as part of their study). We gave our first grant there in 2015 when this was a new program; they’ve grown substantially since then and need more instruments. We’ve offered them $2,600 in matching funds to encourage this program’s growth.
Greenville, SC: Legacy Early College Middle School: This growing program serves kids grades 5-8 in an area with significant poverty. They are requesting a new infusion of instruments to meet their growth and reduce rental costs for instruments. (we gave our first grant there in 2017). 100% of the students in this program qualify for the Federal free lunch program. We’ve offered $3,046 in matching funds to encourage this program’s growth for a program serving particularly disadvantaged kids.
Leesville, NC: Loure Orchestra Boosters Club: This active orchestra program for kids grades 6-12 in the Raleigh NC suburbs is in need of a growing inventory to keep up with student demand, and to be able to offer instruments free of rental charge. CFKF’s offered them $2,000 in matching funds to encourage this program’s growth.
New York City, NY: Harmony Program: This is the second grant CFKF’s offered the NYC Harmony Program (which is one of several Harmony Projects we’ve supported nationally). They’re expanding in Harlem, Chinatown and Queens, and need more instruments to support kids grades 3 and 6 they provide instruction for. The population is multiethnic (mainly Black, Hispanic and Asian), and 84% of the students in this program qualify for the Federal free lunch program. CFKF’s offered $5,000 in matching funds to encourage this growing program’s needs.
Portland, ME: Palaver Strings: up until now, this group has been performance-based, but they’re starting a strings instruction program to expand their mission. They’re serving kids ages 4-6, and the student population is ethnically mixed with a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. This grant will constitute their initial inventory of instruments., and we’re offering $4,000 in matching funds to encourage this innovative new program’s beginning.
San Jose, CA: School of Arts and Culture at MHP: This school serves students ages Pre-K through grade 12 in a very low-income area with considerable crime and poverty around East San Jose, helping them achieve developmental and educational milestones through music study. The focus is on the Mariachi culture and musical traditions. The population is predominantly Hispanic, and 80% of the students in this program qualify for the Federal free lunch program. They are requesting support for 6 violins, and CFKF’s offered $1,306 in matching funds to encourage this program’s growth.
Santa Fe, CA: Youth Symphony Assoc.: This organization offers training for kids grades K-5 from around Santa Fe.; they serve an age group that doesn’t have offerings for strings instruction there. The student population is ethnically mixed, and 71% of the students in the general area qualify for the Federal free lunch program. CFKF’s offered $2,500 in matching funds to encourage this well-run program’s growth.
Stockton, CA: Colonial Heights School: This public-school string program serves kids grades 4-8; they have a need for more inventory so that families unable to afford rental costs can participate in strings. We’ve offered $1,500 in matching funds to encourage this program’s growth.