Author: cfkids

4th Quarter 2024 Grants

Congratulations to our 4th Quarter Grant recipients! Bronx, NY: Equality Charter School: This school serving students grades 9-12 is launching a new string program, and needs a substantial new inventory in order to provide equitable access to instruments. They serve a low-income area of the Bronx, and CFKF is offering them $500 in matching funds […]

3rd Quarter 2024 Grants

Congratulations to our grant recipients! Baton Rouge, LA: Kids’ Orchestra: We have given a few grants some time ago to this Organization; they serve around 1,000 at-risk kids grades K – 12 from around Southern Louisiana. They have a need for a few more cellos for this large program. We have offered them $1,300 in […]

2nd Quarter 2024 Grants

Congratulations to our grant recipients! Bristol, RI: Community String Project: This organization serves students grades 3-12 throughout this area of Rhode Island; they wish to expand their inventory of instruments for families unable to afford purchase of a new instrument. we have offered them a matching grant of $1,479 to further encourage this organization’s development. […]

What Teachers Have to Say

There has been an increase in interest among the students who realize the better instruments (Kirk violins) help them sound better more easily which results in even more motivation…the quality of sound from the select group of students using the grant violins has substantially improved with the higher quality violins. Mr. Philip Payton (Newark, NJ […]

What Parents Have to Say

My daughter played the viola. It was and is her first experience handling the instrument. She has had great experiences and is very proud to demonstrate her use of the instrument. Parent at the Salvation Army KROC Center in Boston The CFKF instrument has helped her build self-esteem and builds her confidence that she can […]

1st Quarter 2024 Grants

Congratulations to our 1st quarter recipients! Baltimore MD Baltimore Symphony Orchestra: BSO’s OrchKids program provides quality instruments and training to students in seven schools in the Baltimore area. They are planning on expansion to 2 more schools this year. They need an infusion of more instruments to support this expansive community outreach initiative. We are […]

3rd Quarter 2023 Grants

Congratulations to our 3rd quarter grant recipients! Montrose, CO: Colorado West Christian School: This is our second grant offering to this school; we gave a grant there in 2021. Their string program is growing quickly and they have a need for more new inventory to support that growth. CFKF has offered them a matching grant […]