It’s been a difficult year for music at Macedonia Elementary
dealing with temporary shut-downs, COVID-19 restrictions, and having
no chances to make music outside of school. These instruments saved
us and gave us the chance to finally perform together. The hole left
behind by the lack of recorders was filled and over 200 4th and 5th
graders got to play a ukulele.
Our two ensembles, nearly SO strong, were very successful and
gave our students a much-needed outlet for ensemble performance.
Additionally, greater interest in music has been created at home for
many students. About ten parents bought their students their own
ukuleles after seeing their increased interest in music. At least two of
them are pursuing private lessons for their students now, as well.

Many younger students have seen and heard the instruments
now, too, and can’t wait until they get older and get to play them with
their own hands. Our 5th grade graduation wouldn’t have been the
same without music, and I’m glad our ensembles’ recorded
performances got to liven up the atmosphere. I’ve received several
grateful messages from parents who were thrilled to hear that we
finally made an ensemble this year. Thank you so much.