Author: cfkids

Kroc Center Partnership

Partnership between Classics for Kids Foundation and Salvation Army Kroc Centers Classics for Kids Foundation (CFKF) has been given the unique opportunity to explore a formative partnership with the Salvation Army’s Ray and Joan Kroc Community Centers. In 1998, Joan Kroc, widow of McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc, donated $90 million to the Salvation Army (TSA) […]

2015 Second Quarter Grants

Many grants awarded in the second quarter! Aurora, CO: Vanguard Classical School: This new charter school for grades 6-11 serves mainly low-income and minority families; we are giving support for several new instruments to students otherwise unable to participate in a small ensemble program. Bloomington, IN: Habitat4Kids: This new program aims to support underserved kids […]

2015 First Quarter Grants

We have awarded numerous matching grants this year. The following were awarded in the first quarter: Adams, MA: Berkshire Arts and Technology Charter School serves mainly low-income families from rural areas in Berkshire County grades 6-11; they received matching support for 2 double basses. Austin, TX: Kealing Middle School received matching support for 2 violins […]