Category: News

2021 4th Quarter Grants

Congratulations to our 4th Quarter recipients! Boston MA Community Music Center of Boston: This venerable Boston organization (formed in 1910) offers instruments and training to kids K-12 from around Boston. Located in Boston’s South End, they offer instruction there, but 85% of their activity takes place in schools and community centers around the city. They […]

The Chance to Finally Perform Together

It’s been a difficult year for music at Macedonia Elementarydealing with temporary shut-downs, COVID-19 restrictions, and havingno chances to make music outside of school. These instruments savedus and gave us the chance to finally perform together. The hole leftbehind by the lack of recorders was filled and over 200 4th and 5thgraders got to play […]

2021 1st Quarter Grants

Congratulations to our 1st Quarter grant recipients! Anaheim, CA: Anaheim, CA ESD: This elementary school district in urban Anaheim has an innovative program whereby students grades 4-6 rotate through different kinds of instruments. During this time, ukuleles are ideal instruments to work with during Covid; they also have violins and guitars. We’ve offered a matchinggrant […]

2020 4th Quarter Grants

Congratulations to our 4th Quarter grant recipients! Albuquerque, NM: Tierra Adentro of New Mexico: This charter school serves kids grades 6-12 from around the Albuquerque area, including students from the Navaho and Pueblo reservations nearby. They have an active music program and need more guitars to provide needed instruments for their music program, which teaches […]

Location of Our Grants

We have grants in all 50 states but we are always looking to extend our reach.  Tell your friends all about CFKF and our matching grants that help schools and string programs purchase high-quality instruments.

2020 1st Quarter Grants

Congratulations to our 1st quarter grant recipients: Bowling Green, KY: Drakes Creek MS: This middle school in a suburban and rural area of south-central Kentucky has decided to start a new music program with guitars due to strong demand from their students (they already have an orchestra and band program). They’ve been offered matching support […]

2019 4th Quarter Grants

Congratulations to our 4th quarter grant recipients: Augusta, GA: Salvation Army Kroc Center: This Kroc Center music program that serves kids K-8 with guitar lessons and instruments is located in the Harrisburg area; This program is intended to reach the kids there through music, and to improve their prospects in life. CFKF has offered support […]

Help Us Expand Our Reach!

Now that we’re in all 50 states, help us identify other communities and programs in states we can have more presence in; tell your friends and colleagues about our grant program! Here are our current statistics as of 01-01-2020: